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Places visited in Binz, Germany
Places visited in Inisheer, Ireland
Places visited in Daniel Campos, Bolivia
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Dublin, Ireland

The Irish Elk Collection

These gigantic skeletons tower over visitors and provide insight into the creatures that once ruled over Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland

‘Why Go Bald’ Sign

This neon landmark has been posing this deadpan question to follicly-challenged Dubliners for over 50 years.
Dublin, Ireland

Ashtown Castle

After it was swallowed by a Georgian mansion, this medieval castle remained forgotten for centuries.
Dublin, Ireland

Francis Bacon's Preserved Art Studio

The chaotic studio of one of the 20th century's most important artists has been preserved down to the dust.
Stamullen, Ireland

Fourknocks Passage Tomb

An ancient chamber filled with wonderful rock art and a Neolithic carving of a human face.
Wicklow, Ireland

Seefin Passage Tomb

This 5,300-year-old tomb with mysterious carvings crowns an Irish mountain.
Dublin, Ireland

Freemasons' Hall

The Grand Lodge of Ireland is one of the oldest in the world, full of fantastical, elaborately themed rooms.
Kerry, Ireland

Gap of Dunloe

Traveling this mountain pass reveals quaint stone buildings, stunning Irish scenery, and a bridge said to grant wishes.
Dublin, Ireland

Statue of Oscar Wilde

The comedy and tragedy of Oscar Wilde is preserved in a Dublin park, captured in a sculpture of colorful stone.
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Audoen's Gate

The enchanting archway is the only surviving portal into Dublin's lost medieval wall.
Berlin, Germany


This futuristic German spa allows visitors to float in a pool of salt water while zoning out to underwater techno.
Cork, Ireland

Baltimore Beacon

An oddly conical beacon perched atop beautiful Irish cliffs.
Rosscarbery, Ireland

Drombeg Stone Circle

One of the most popular megalithic sites in Ireland stands as a humbler version of Stonehenge.
Béal na Bláth, Ireland

Michael Collins Ambush Memorial

A gated cross stands on the site where an Irish revolutionary met his end.
Berlin, Germany

Soviet Memorial (Sowjetisches Ehrenmal)

For patriotic Russians, this memorial honoring the Soviet soldiers who died liberating Berlin in 1945 is the most sacred location outside of Russia.
Wernigerode, Germany

The Brocken

On the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, science and the occult faced off in a failed attempt to turn a goat into a boy.
Magdeburg, Germany

Grüne Zitadelle (Green Citadel)

The architect of this fanciful complex called it an "oasis for humanity and nature in a sea of rational houses."
Budapest, Hungary

Szimpla Kert

A Trabant car, a kangaroo statue, and a plethora of plants take over this abandoned-factory-turned-bar.
Budapest, Hungary

Elektrotechnikai Múzeum

Electrical curiosity museum housed in an old transformer station.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany


Where once there was a train station bathroom, there is now this German burger joint.
Binz, Germany


Hitler's bleak vision of relaxation still stands as a mostly abandoned 10,000-room resort complex.
Binz, Germany

Treetop Tower of Rügen

A long spiraling walkway winds through the woods, and around a copper beech tree at the center.
Mechernich, Germany

Brother Klaus Field Chapel

This German art chapel is perfect for those who like their worship hard, modern, and utterly alien.