tawdryhorne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ponce Inlet, Florida
Places visited in Port Orange, Florida
Places visited in Key Largo, Florida
Alghero, Italy

Neptune's Grotto

Stalactites and stalagmites in a beautifully lit cave.
Vaglia, Italy

The Colossus of Villa Demidoff

Renaissance villa and gardens complete with a tormented colossus.
Sorrento, Italy

Valle dei Mulini (Valley of the Mills)

An Italian crevasse filled with abandoned buildings gives visitors a look at the world without humans.
San Marcos, Texas

Freeman Ranch Body Farm

Human remains in varying states of decay are strewn about this Texas State facility for scientific study.
Houston, Texas

Museum of Health and Medical Science

A health museum containing a 27’’½-foot intestine.
Austin, Texas

Museum of the Weird

Continuing the tradition of the dime museum in style.
Millbrook, Alabama

Spectre Set Ruins

The remains of an idyllic small town built for the film 'Big Fish' still stand around a rundown main street.
Fackler, Alabama

Neversink Pit

This natural wonder drops 16 stories straight down through rare flora and streaming waterfalls.
Lexington, Kentucky

The Monroe Moosnick Medical and Science Museum

Outstanding collection of 19th century medical instruments includes a life-size figure cast from as many as 200 cadavers.
Louisville, Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

This former tuberculosis research hospital endeavored to cure the dreaded disease with fresh air and positive attitudes.
Williston, Florida

Cedar Lakes Woods

A peaceful, unique botanical garden complete with waterfalls, mini islands, and swans.
Coral Gables, Florida

Venetian Pool

The only swimming pool listed on the National Register of Historic Places is emptied and refilled each day with naturally filtered water.
Key West, Florida

Dry Tortugas

These remote Florida islands have a history of sea turtles and sunken treasures, and one of the world's largest coastal brick fortresses.
San Diego, California

Sunny Jim Cave Store

Behind this beachfront shop lies a spectacular, colorful sea cave with an equally colorful past.
Strand, Norway


This "preacher's pulpit" once used for pagan ritual, is home to a new, and dangerous ritual.
Holtålen, Norway

Hessdalen AMS

Research station devoted to mysterious floating lights seen in a Norwegian valley.
Kristiansand, Norway

Kristiansand Kanonmuseum

The last fully functional fortress of Germany's World War II Atlantikwall.
Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger Cathedral

Norway's oldest cathedral still in use.
Oslo, Norway

Forest of the Future Library

One thousand trees were planted in Norway to be used to print books a century from now.
Flåm, Norway

Flåmsbana (Flåm Railway)

One of the most breathtaking railways in Europe also takes one of the steepest climbs, from fjord to mountain plateau.
Svalbard, Norway

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

This Arctic storage facility is a secure backup for agricultural biodiversity.
Odda, Norway


Walk 2,300 feet above the ground on the "Troll's Tongue."
Acharnes, Greece

Tatoi Palace

The abandoned summer estate of the former Greek Royal Family.
Chios, Greece

Lovokomeio Leper Colony

An ambiguous ambience emanates from this centuries old leprosy quarantine.