tawdryhorne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ponce Inlet, Florida
Places visited in Port Orange, Florida
Places visited in Key Largo, Florida
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Halle, Belgium

The Blue Forest

Each spring, a dreamlike carpet of bluebells overtakes the forest floor.
Brussels, Belgium

Musée de la Médecine

Medical history with an amazing, if frighting, collection of wax diseases on display.
Genappe, Belgium

Abbaye de Villers

A magical and peaceful ruined Cistercian abbey in what is now southern Belgium.
Vienna, Austria


Dine amidst exotic plants at this former royal greenhouse.
Vienna, Austria


Located right outside of Vienna, visitors can take in expansive views of an ethereal forest.
Vienna, Austria

Museum of Contraception and Abortion

This museum promotes informed contraception by documenting its often secret past.
Vienna, Austria

The Narrenturm

This former insane asylum now holds a pathological anatomy museum.
Vienna, Austria

Schmetterlinghaus: The Imperial Butterfly Park

A tropical paradise just a short trip from the opera house is filled with beautiful winged creatures.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Chornobyl, Ukraine

'Monument of the Third Angel'

The biblical sculpture honors those who lost their lives, homes and communities to the Chernobyl disaster.
Hodovytsya, Ukraine

All Saints Church

The ruins of an abandoned church loom within a picturesque Ukranian village.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum

This unassuming museum's slogan translates to “there is a limit of sadness, anxiety has no limits."
Monaco, Monaco

Oceanographic Museum

Museum celebrating the ocean, with the largest wunderkammer dedicated to sea exploration.
Şuşa, Azerbaijan

Hunot Gorge

A scenic canyon with thick forests and historic ruins.
Garni, Armenia

Garni Gorge

A geological oddity topped with a 2,000-year-old pagan temple.
Tucson, Arizona

Mat Bevel's Museum of Kinetic Art & Surrealistic Pop Science Theater

A Tucson museum and performance space full of found-object movable sculptures.
Winslow, Arizona

Two Guns

The story of Two Guns, Arizona could easily be described as a Shakespearian tragedy on Route 66.
Oracle, Arizona

Biosphere 2

A reproduction of earth's many biomes.
Supai, Arizona

Havasupai Falls

This secluded aqua waterfall in the Grand Canyon is the perfect swimming hole, and the Havasupai tribe's fiercely protected natural wonder.
Valladolid, Mexico

Cenote San Lorenzo Oxman

Found down a long dirt road, a sacred Mexican cenote and 18th-century hacienda remain hidden.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Princess Donají Tomb

This abandoned convent keeps the tomb of a legendary beheaded princess.
Calixtlahuaca, Mexico


The striking and little-touristed ruins of an ancient city destroyed and rebuilt by the Aztecs.
Mexico City, Mexico

Baths of Moctezuma

The ruins of the bathhouse used by the ill-fated last Aztec emperor still lie in Chapultepec Park.