td65924's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Kingsburg, California

Swedish Coffee Pot Tower

A water tower shaped like a giant coffee pot looms over a small Swedish village in Central California.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Glass Museum

This delicate museum is devoted to the art and industry that once supported Cape Cod's oldest town.
Washington, D.C.

D.C.’s Floating Chandeliers

Mysterious installations bring levity and light to a sometimes stodgy city.


In Northeastern Iceland lies something of an oxymoron: a steaming desert.
El Prado, New Mexico


These aggressively sustainable art homes look like something out of 1970's science fiction.
Taos, New Mexico

Taos Pueblo

A multi-storied adobe complex has been inhabited for more than a thousand years.
Germantown, Maryland

Earthoid Water Tank

The whole world in one water tank.
Montreal, Québec

Charlevoix Stained Glass Windows

A swirling spectrum of stained glass dazzles visitors who enter this subway station.
Montreal, Québec

Beaudry Metro

Montreal's colorful subway station shows its support of the local LGBT+ community.
Montreal, Québec

Farine Five Roses Sign

Two thirds of this Montreal neon icon has survived to flash another day.
Montreal, Québec

Biosphere of Montreal

Designed by Buckminster Fuller, this relic of the 67 Expo survived fire and ice.
Houston, Texas

The Wilde Collection

permanently closed
An oddities shop packed with twisted treasures inspired by Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Poe.
Charleston, South Carolina

Unitarian Church Cemetery

Paths are maintained, but trees have taken over plots.
Charleston, South Carolina

Old Slave Mart

South Carolina's last remaining slavery auction house is now a museum devoted to its own tragic history.
Auburn, Kentucky

South Union Shaker Village

The remains of this visionary community can still be found much as it was a century ago.
Middlesboro, Kentucky

Tri-State Peak

Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia meet at this point in the Cumberland Gap.
Williamstown, Kentucky

Ark Encounter

A theme park featuring a replica of Noah's Ark built to the measurements specified in the Bible.
Beech Mountain, North Carolina

Land of Oz Theme Park

A former Oz-themed attraction that has fallen into disrepair, but still holds some of the original magic.
Washington, D.C.

Riggs Bank

permanently closed
The bank that helped fund the Mexican-American War and the purchase of Alaska met its downfall after helping Augusto Pinochet launder money.
Washington, D.C.

Rayburn House Office Building

One critic described it as "middle Mussolini, early Ramses, and late Neiman-Marcus." Another called it an architectural "natural disaster."
Washington, D.C.

The Lockkeeper's House

A derelict bit of infrastructure from the canal that once ran through D.C. is landlocked in the heart of the city.
Washington, D.C.

Man Controlling Trade

A muscular Art Deco monument represents the struggle between regulators and unbridled markets.
Washington, D.C.

D.C. War Memorial

An overlooked memorial honoring the local Washington residents who died in World War I.
Washington, D.C.

Embassy Gulf Service Center

Behind an abandoned storefront is an example of pioneering 1930s gas station architecture.