ThomasSchneider62's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Leaderboard Highlights
ThomasSchneider62's activity rankings
Places added to Cologne, Germany
Places edited in Hyderabad, India
Places added to Dusseldorf, Germany
Places added to Tajikistan
Places edited in Dusseldorf, Germany
Places added to Stuttgart, Germany
Places added to Zurich, Switzerland
Places added to Germany
Places edited in Cologne, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany

Kindergarten Wolfartsweier

A kindergarten shaped like a cat with a tail that's a slide.
Gryfino, Poland

Crooked Forest

Countless stories attempt to explain Poland's mysterious J-shaped trees.
Herzberg, Germany

Deutschlandsender III

Remains of a huge radio tower.
Ãœberherrn, Germany

Europe 1 Transmitter

Most powerful transmitter in Germany only broadcasts in the French language.
Rottenbuch, Germany

Rottenbuch Radio Tower

Cell phone tower constructed entirely of wood.
Sindelfingen, Germany

"Shorty" Power Line

Shortest overhead power line in the world.
Celebration, Florida

Mickey Pylon

Electrical pylon in the shape of Disney's beloved mouse.
Bad Dürkheim, Germany

Dürkheim Giant Wine Barrel

World's largest barrel containing an inn.
Argenbühl, Germany

Meggen Lawn Cross

This mysterious cross appeared on a farmer's lawn in 1972 and has been attracting pilgrims ever since.
Heusweiler, Germany

The Heusweiler Motorway Faraday Cage

A Faraday Cage protects cars from a nearby high-power transmitter.
Neustadt, Germany

The Mummy of Knight Kahlbutz

The natural mummy of the less than chivalrous Knight Kahlbutz.
płocki, Poland

Warsaw Radio Mast Remains

The shattered remains of the world's once tallest structure.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Radio Tower

A restaurant and observation deck built in a unique broadcasting antenna.