vincentpaparella's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Windber, Pennsylvania
Government Camp, Oregon

Timberline Lodge

You might know it as the Overlook Hotel, but the inside is not going to be familiar.
Corbett, Oregon

Vista House at Crown Point

This extravagant Art Nouveau rest stop features a million-dollar view of the Columbia River.
Tillamook, Oregon

Tillamook Creamery

This unassuming cheese empire in rural Oregon churns out more than 150,000 pounds of cheese each day.
Cannon Beach, Oregon

Haystack Rock

A massive sea stack famous for its appearance in The Goonies.
Forks, Washington

Second Beach

A surreal landscape where fanged rocks rise from the ground and the ocean feels like a great mystery.
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This famous bridge twisted itself into oblivion, but not for the reason you might think.
Portland, Oregon

Voodoo Doughnut and Wedding Chapel

The magic's in the hole!
Seattle, Washington

Amazon Spheres

The tech giant built three enormous glass orbs in Seattle so employees could work inside a rainforest greenhouse.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Lima, Ohio

Kewpee Hamburgers

This burger joint is named after everyone's favorite carnival prize and is adorned with a giant one over the door.
Columbus, Ohio

Garden of Constants

This whimsical campus lawn is dotted with large sculpted numbers and hidden mathematical formulas.
Columbus, Ohio

Gates of Hell

The entrance to this sinisterly named tunnel hides behind a Tim Hortons.
Sidney, Ohio

Wagner Manufacturing Company Factory

permanently closed
The headquarters of a pioneering cast iron and cast aluminum cookware company is in ruins, but still standing.
Riverside, Ohio

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Inside houses a vast collection of military aircraft and missiles spanning the ages.
Dayton, Ohio

Grave of Johnny Morehouse

A headstone tells the sad story of a lost little boy and his pet dog.
Mill Run, Pennsylvania


Frank Lloyd Wright's most iconic home dangles over a Pennsylvania waterfall.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

West End Overlook

The only way to see Pittsburgh is from the top of this lookout point, just like the ancient members of the native peoples did.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

The Last Shell Oil Clamshell Station

This bright yellow relic is the final survivor of a short burst of seashell-shaped petrol pumps.
Thurmond, West Virginia

Thurmond, West Virginia

Once connected to the outside world by a single train track, this ghost town is looked after by the National Park Service.
Portland, Oregon

Cathedral Park

A heavenly experience, right here on Terra Firma.
Portland, Oregon

Paul Bunyan Statue

This stoic, if derpy, giant stands as a monument to Oregon's statehood and the novelty culture of yesteryear.