cisleyortiz's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Portland, Oregon

Wyrd Leatherworks and Meadery

Get your cosplay on at Portland’s only Medieval fantasy-themed mead hall.
Abang, Indonesia

Tirta Gangga Water Palace

Sacred waters rescued from the wrath of a volcano.
Tokyo, Japan

Book and Bed Hostel

If you forgot something to read during your trip to Tokyo, this hostel has you covered.
Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii Thermopolium

Before it was buried by volcanic ash, this fast-food restaurant fed the hungry hordes of ancient Rome.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

The Crow's Nest at the Old Faithful Inn

An architect's childhood fantasy treehouse made real.
Bodfish, California

Silver City Ghost Town

This ramshackle ghost town is comprised of mining-era buildings collected from around the region.
Cody, Wyoming

Smith Mansion

One man's ambition created this psychedelic log home.
Alianello, Italy

Alianello Ghost Town

Though an earthquake destroyed this village in 1980, one former resident still walks its streets every day.
Spring Green, Wisconsin

House on the Rock

A bizarre house filled with an astounding array of collections.
La Maddalena, Italy

Spiaggia Rosa (Pink Beach)

Crushed coral and crystals give the sand its signature coloration.
Eleele, Hawaii

Kauai Glass Beach

This industrial area was the dumping ground for massive amounts of trash, some of which washes up as tiny bits of sea glass.
Peach Springs, Arizona

Caverns Grotto

In a 345-million-year-old cave that's 200 feet underground, dinner awaits.
Bloomfield, New Mexico

Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area

The land is full of geologic eye candy, such as otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.
Kaédi, Mauritania

Abandoned Resort

The beehive-like buildings of this abandoned resort reside near the border of Mauritania and Senegal.
Astoria, Oregon

Shallon Winery

permanently closed
This solo operation offers the world's only whey wines in flavors such as chocolate-orange.
Villa Caldari, Italy

Cammino di San Tommaso Fountain of Wine

An Italian vineyard invites religious pilgrims to stop by 24/7 to get their drink on, for free.
Kalarrites, Greece

Holy Kipinas Monastery

This 13th-century monastery chiseled into the side of a mountain is equipped with a bridge that can be lifted to protect against raids.
Oberkotzau, Germany

Fernweh Park

Named after the German word for "a longingness to travel," this park brings together thousands of city and street signs from around the world.
Calafell, Spain

Iberian Citadel of Calafell

Experience this Iron Age village the way that its original residents would have.
Ercolano, Italy

Vintage Market of Pugliano

For decades, vendors have sold clothes once worn by American soldiers who stormed Italy in the 1940s.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Rusovce Mansion

A once-fairy tale mansion now stands in a state of disrepair.
Sant Just Desvern, Spain

La Fábrica (The Factory)

An architect transformed this abandoned cement factory into his castle-like workshop.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.