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Places added to Slovakia
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Budapest, Hungary

The Citadella

From Austrians to Nazis to Soviets, this historic Budapest fortress has a history as complex as the city itself.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Frauenkirche

This Dresden church was purposely rebuilt Protestant after being demolished in World War II.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Metronome

Steadily reminding Czechia of its past.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Prague, Czechia

Memento Mori: 'Of One's Own Volition'

A controversial artwork draws attention to the dark history of Prague's "Suicide Bridge."
Brno, Czechia

Brno Astronomical Clock

A peculiar clock commemorates a historic victory won by ringing the noonday bell an hour early.
Vienna, Austria

Votivkirche (Votive Church)

A neo-Gothic church built to thank God for saving the Emperor of Austria from an assassination.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.
Vienna, Austria

Naturhistorisches Museum

Beautiful Austrian natural history museum with carved ceilings and row after row of ancient taxidermy.
Vienna, Austria

Karlskirche (St. Charles's Church)

Built to give thanks for the passing of a plague epidemic, this cathedral is a one-of-a-kind architectural hybrid.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Grand Ferris Wheel

Vienna's giant wonder wheel had a starring role in one of the greatest noir movies of all time.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Bratislava, Slovakia


Thousands of slain Soviet soldiers are buried within the shadow of this enormous obelisk.
Ochtiná, Slovakia

Ochtinska Aragonite Cave

An unusual cave filled with rare alien-looking aragonite formations.
Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia

Orava Castle

The 700-year-old fortress was the site of Count Orlok's castle in "Nosferatu."
Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

Calvary of Banska Stiavnica

After 11 years of reconstruction work, Slovakia's finest hilltop chapel complex is finally reopen to the public.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Most SNP

This Slovak bridge is known both for its connection to a national uprising and its UFO-shaped eatery.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Cumil the Sewer Worker

This Slovakian statue of an emerging sewer worker might just be a bronze peeping tom.
Čičmany, Slovakia

Painted Village of Čičmany

A perfectly preserved hill village where the buildings are painted like white lace.
Letanovce, Slovakia


The ruins of a 13th-century monastery that long served as a place of refuge from wars and raids.
Hrabušice, Slovakia

Sokolia Dolina Gorge

Climb around the high waterfalls on series of iron ladders and bridges within the wildest gorge in the Slovak Paradise.