matthewplowman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kenosha, Wisconsin
Places visited in Altoona, Pennsylvania
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Mercury House

Freddie Mercury's childhood home is now a monument to the iconic Queen rockstar.
Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania

Kilwa Kisiwani Ruins

Stunning ruins of what was once the center of one of the greatest empires in East Africa.
Monduli, Tanzania

Lake Natron

A salty red wasteland in Tanzania is a breeding spot for endangered flamingos.

Jacko Steps

This historic hiding place, often used by people escaping slavery, is a testament to a heroic struggle for freedom.
Marchand Dessalines, Haiti

The Forts of Dessalines

An entire town in Haiti memorializes one man and his historic revolution.

Citadelle Laferrière

This iconic fortress was once the crown jewel of Haiti's national defense.
Milot, Haiti

Sans-Souci Palace

The royal seat of Henri Christophe, a formerly enslaved man who became Haiti's only king.
Saint Peter's, Montserrat

Montserrat's City of Ash

A city continually buried under the ash of a volcano that has been erupting for more than 15 years.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Incarnation

Built in 1512, the oldest cathedral in the Americas.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

The Sundial of Santo Domingo

The first official clock in North America, it kept time for the Spanish government of Santo Domingo.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Fortaleza Ozama (Ozama Fortress)

The oldest colonial fortress in the Americas was once the home and later prison of Christopher Columbus.
St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Point Udall

A sharply wedged sundial marks the point at which each day in the United States begins.
St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Blackbeard's Castle

Rumored to be the famed pirate's lookout tower, this historic stone structure is now just watching for tourists.
Vieques, Puerto Rico

Mosquito Bay

The world's brightest bioluminescent bay.
Guayanilla, Puerto Rico

Antigua CORCO

Puerto Rico's once thriving oil company is now an abandoned wonderland of rusty steel.
Coamo, Puerto Rico

Puente General Méndez Vigo

This ''hidden'' 19th-century bridge played a simple, yet important role during the Spanish-American War.
Ponce, Puerto Rico

Calle 25 de Enero

These red and black houses were awarded to the firefighters who saved their city from an enormous blaze.
Caguana, Puerto Rico

Caguana Ceremonial Ball Courts

Built some 700 years ago, this Taíno ceremonial site features ball courts, petroglyphs, and evidence of ancient astronomy practices.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

Cerro de Punta

The highest peak in Puerto Rico is home to a rare fern that can only be found on six trees at its summit.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

La Piedra Escrita

This rock in the middle of a river in Jayuya contains dozens of Pre-Columbian Taíno petroglyphs.
Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico

The Ruins of Central Aguirre

This nearly abandoned "company town" is a ghost of Puerto Rico's once-lucrative sugar industry.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

La Puerta de San Juan

This colorful gate stands as an entrance to the walled city of Old San Juan.
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

El Cañuelo

This small fort played a huge role defending Puerto Rico’s capital city.
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Caparra Archaeological Site

The ruins of the first Spanish settlement in Puerto Rico.