matthewplowman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kenosha, Wisconsin
Places visited in Altoona, Pennsylvania
Mexico City, Mexico

Fuente de Tláloc

Diego Rivera's massive tiled fountain and failed infrastructure project.
Mexico City, Mexico

Skull Rack of the Great Temple

A disquieting Aztec sculpture displays hundreds of stone skulls representing the victims of human sacrifice.
Sharpsburg, Maryland

Kennedy Farm

This is the cabin from which John Brown and his men launched their fateful war to end slavery on October 16, 1859.
Kokomo, Indiana

Old Ben Pavilion

More than 100 years after his death, the world's largest steer is still attracting crowds.
West Lafayette, Indiana

The Smoking Fence

Purdue students would lean over this iron fence to skirt campus rules against smoking and courting.
Königswinter, Germany

Burg Drachenfels

A ruined castle stands atop a hill surrounded by dragon lore.
Williamstown, Kentucky

Ark Encounter

A theme park featuring a replica of Noah's Ark built to the measurements specified in the Bible.
Fort Mitchell, Kentucky

Vent Haven Museum

A museum that houses the world's largest collection of ventriloquism dummies.
Real de Catorce, Mexico

Real de Catorce

This former ghost town high in the mountains of northern Mexico is now a pilgrimage site.
Mexico City, Mexico

Temple Ehécatl

This Aztec structure remained hidden until the demolition of a supermarket exposed the lost temple.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Posada del Sol

Meant to be one of the most extravagant hotels in the world, now an eerie, abandoned architectural gem in Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

Emo War of Metro Insurgentes

In 2008, this Mexico City metro station was the site of an hours-long fight between emo, punk, and goth groups.
Mexico City, Mexico

El Halconazo Memorial

An abstract sculpture memorializing a student massacre that took place in 1971.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls)

permanently closed
An island filled with hundreds of hanging, decomposing, decapitated dolls.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Palace of Cortés

The conquistador's former fortress is the oldest preserved colonial building in the Americas.
Mexico City, Mexico

Palace of the Inquisition

This foreboding building was the headquarters of the terrifying Spanish Inquisition in Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo House Studio Museum

The famous artist couple lived and worked here, in two different houses separated by a bridge.
Mexico City, Mexico

Condominio Insurgentes

A jewel of the Mexico city skyline now slowly crumbles after surviving an earthquake.
Mexico City, Mexico

Aztec Serpent Head Cornerstone

On a cornerstone of the City Museum is the head of a monstrous serpent stolen from an Aztec pyramid 400 years ago.
Mexico City, Mexico

Tomb of Hernán Cortés

Hidden for more than a century, the grave of the Conquistador remains forgotten behind these church walls.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa Azul

Frida Kahlo's childhood home, now a museum of her life and works.
Mexico City, Mexico

Foro Sol

The F1 Mexican Grand Prix circuit goes right through the middle of this old baseball stadium.
Miami, Florida

Miami Circle

A perfect circle of 24 mysterious holes dates back to prehistoric times.
Franklin, Indiana

Nancy Kerlin Barnett Grave

A burial site located in the middle of a road.