mbshupin's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Margate City, New Jersey

Lucy the Elephant

Step inside Lucy, the world's largest "elephant."
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Cyclorama

A dramatic, 360-degree recreation of Pickett's Charge in the Civil War.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

General Sickles's Wound Marker

This monument marks the beginning journey of a wounded soldier's leg that ended up almost two states away.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Jennie Wade House

Home of the only civilian casualty at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Coster Avenue Mural

One of Gettysburg’s least visited battlefield memorials is off the beaten path, but worth a visit.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Statue of Sallie Ann Jarrett

The beloved, war-tested mascot of a Union regiment graces their battlefield monument.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Elfreth's Alley

This charming colonial alleyway is one of the oldest continuously used residential streets in the U.S.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Laurel Hill Cemetery

This Philly cemetery is the eternal home of many famous area residents, including Rocky Balboa's wife.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Hoover-Mason Trestle

The internal railway of one of the biggest steel plants in America has been transformed into a linear park with unique industrial views.
Harleysville, Pennsylvania

Barn Attic

Inside this 150-year-old barn turned antique shop is a vast array of items for curios hunters.
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Moravian Pottery & Tile Works Museum

A pride of the state, this working museum crafts pottery mosaics in the style of Pennsylvania's earliest European settlers.
Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Doan Outlaw Graves

The final resting place of two members of the infamous Doan gang, notorious outlaws and Revolutionary War Loyalists.
Collodi, Italy

Tallest Wooden Pinocchio in the World

The towering Pinocchio stands 63 feet tall in the Italian village his creator frequented as a child.
Florence, Italy

The Relic of St. Antoninus

The mummified relic of St. Antoninus.
Florence, Italy

Ospedale degli Innocenti (Hospital of the Innocents)

Renaissance hospital featuring a rotating door into which unwanted babies were dropped.
Florence, Italy

L’importuno di Michelangelo

The famous sculptor left his mark on this Italian wall in an internationally protected example of street art.
Montecatini Terme, Italy

Montecatini Terme Funicular

The bright red cars take travelers through breathtaking Tuscan scenery.
San Marcello Pistoiese, Italy

Ponte Sospeso

A factory director designed what was the world's longest suspension footbridge in 1923 so his employees could get to work safely.
Lucca, Italy

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro

This bustling Italian plaza is built on the ruins of an ancient Roman amphitheater.
Borgo a Mozzano, Italy

Ponte della Maddalena

A stunning bridge that appears as if it's lunging to the shore, and has a legend of a devilish architect.
Borgo a Mozzano, Italy

Gothic Line Fortifications

The only substantial part of Nazi Germany's formidable defensive line through Northern Italy that survives today, largely intact.
Lucca, Italy

The Incorruptible St. Zita

The naturally mummified body of a peasant girl saint.
Milan, Italy

Santa Maria presso San Satiro

Small on the outside, big on the inside, this church is an astonishing act of visual deception.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.