Nancy Bortz's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Qaqortoq, Greenland
Places visited in Longyearbyen, Norway
Places visited in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
Places visited in Jefferson City, Missouri
Strasbourg, France

Stained-Glass Demons

Explore this medieval cathedral by trying to spot all the malevolent monsters hiding in its beautifully colored windows.
Fontainebleau, France

Fontaine de Diane (Fountain of Diana)

Peeing dogs guard the Roman hunting goddess atop a fountain at France’s Château de Fontainebleau.
Colmar, France

Statue of Liberty, Colmar

A copy of the Statue of Liberty greets visitors to the birthplace of Auguste Bartholdi.
Paris, France

The Bouquinistes of Paris

The tradition of open-air secondhand and antiquarian bookselling in Paris dates back to the Renaissance.
Cheverny, France

Château de Cheverny

The opulent home that inspired Tintin's Marlinspike Hall and the adventures within.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Astronomical Clock

There has been an astronomical clock on this spot since the 14th century.
Amboise, France

Leonardo da Vinci's Tomb

The great Italian Renaissance painter was laid to rest here in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert.
Paris, France

The Stravinsky Fountain

A series of abstract, silly sculptures represent the works of a great modern classical composer.
Marseille, France

Château d'If

This historic island prison holds one of the dungeons from the Count of Monte Cristo even though it is a work of fiction.
Paris, France

Flame of Liberty

This life-size replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame is also a tribute to Princess Diana by default.
Paris, France

Napoleon's Angels

Twelve grave-faced marble angels guard the emperor's tomb at Les Invalides.
Paris, France

La Conciergerie

This former “ante-chamber to the guillotine” has been refurbished to illustrate the brutal history of French justice.
Paris, France

Montmartre Funicular

The water-powered carriages are long gone, but for over a century this funicular railway has been the fastest route to the highest point in Paris.
Paris, France

Musée des Egouts (Paris Museum of Sewers)

The curious underground history of keeping Paris clean.
Paris, France

The Recumbent Effigy of Victor Noir

How did a French journalist’s grave become the sexiest statue in the cemetery?
Paris, France

Deyrolle Taxidermy

Paris' fabled purveyor of exotic taxidermy and natural history curios.
Paris, France

Musée Carnavalet

A museum on the history of Paris, including a set of Napoleon's toiletries, Proust's room, and relics of the Revolution.
Paris, France

Musée de Cluny

Medieval museum built over Roman baths that features famous tapestries of a lady and a unicorn.
Paris, France

Montparnasse Cemetery

A Parisian cemetery where the elite and artistic are interred beneath an eccentric collection of tombs.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Paris, France

Harry's New York Bar

A favorite Paris bar for U.S. expats, including Gershwin, Hemingway, and James Bond.