Photohojo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Benham, Kentucky

Kentucky Coal Museum

Featuring a Loretta Lynn display and a re-created coal mine exhibit.
Paducah, Kentucky

World’s Largest Quilting Needle

A 22-foot stainless steel quilting needle pays tribute to a local connection to fiber arts.
Burlington, Kentucky

Dinsmore Farm

Visitors to this Kentucky homestead turned museum are immediately transported back to the Antebellum south.
Cleveland, Ohio

George Masaveg Art Home

One man's collection of found art, sculpture, and ephemera adorns his two side-by-side homes.
Cincinnati, Ohio

The Betts House

The oldest brick house in the state of Ohio.
Cleveland, Ohio

Steamship William G. Mather

This steamer is known as "The ship that built Cleveland."
Zanesville, Ohio

Lock #10 on the Muskingum River

One of the last few period-correct, hand-operated canal locks in the country.
Marietta, Ohio

The Mound Cemetery

At the center of this cemetery stands a 2,000-year-old burial mound of the Adena culture.
Zanesville, Ohio

Zanesville Y-Bridge

A favorite of Amelia Earhart, ranking among those rare bridges that can be crossed without changing sides of the river.
Hilliard, Ohio

Early Television Museum

A retro walk through the history of the tube.
Cleveland, Ohio

West Side Market

This spectacular public market has got meat, fish, vegetables, baked goods, and enough kielbasa for a lifetime.
Cleveland, Ohio

Dittrick Medical Museum

Medical history museum featuring a lovely doctor's office from the 1800s.
Loveland, Ohio

Harry Andrews' Chateau Laroche

A castle built by an eccentric medieval enthusiast in suburban Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Hanging Garden

permanently closed
A suspended garden, now gone, once hung in the middle of this abandoned church.
Cleveland, Ohio

Wade Memorial Chapel

Inside the unassuming cemetery chapel is a magnificent stained glass window and mosaics.
London, England

Pelicans of St James's Park

Giant, friendly pelicans in Central London, the most unlikely of places.
London, England

Grant Museum of Zoology

The only university zoological museum in London houses extinct animals, bizarre natural history specimens, and a Micrarium of microscopic creatures.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Wilkieston, Scotland

Jupiter Artland

Large-scale contemporary artworks tower over fields and lurk in forests around a Jacobean manor house.
Dunbar, Scotland

Belhaven Bridge

At high tide this strange footbridge appears to have no purpose whatsoever.
Morehead, Kentucky

DeHart's Bible and Tire

Bizarre and inspired combination store selling only two items: tires and bibles.
Park City, Kentucky

Bell's Tavern Ruins

A former 19th-century tavern, famous for its peach brandy and honey concoction.
Marion, Kentucky

Ben E. Clement Mineral Museum

Thousands of unique minerals, including some of the most impressive fluorite crystals in the world.