prairiegal's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Rosser, Manitoba
Places added to Manitoba
Los Angeles, California

Angels Flight

Historic funicular railway, believed to be the shortest railroad in the world.


permanently closed
One of the most remarkable caves in all of Iceland was created by a once raging river of lava.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Rosser, Manitoba

Cement Cemetery

Mysterious concrete spires left on a small Canadian hill.
Aksum, Ethiopia

Obelisk of Axum

Massive stele returned to Ethiopia after 70 years in Rome.
Lalibela, Ethiopia

Bete Giyorgis of Lalibela

An Ethiopian "Jerusalem" featuring a church hewn out of a single rock.
Gimli, Manitoba

New Iceland

Icelandic settlement in Manitoba established in 1875.
Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba

Old Pinawa Dam

The ruined remains of an early hydroelectric dam.
Garretson, South Dakota

Devil's Gulch

The ravine where Jesse James supposedly performed an impossible jump to evade capture.
Dzitnup, Mexico

Cenote Xkeken

These azure waters were thought to lead to the Mayan Underworld.
Cancún, Mexico

Museo Subacuático de Arte

Underwater art project will double as a massive artificial coral reef to help regenerate the damaged ecosystem.


A hidden treasure of an abandoned city lies deep in the jungles of Campeche, Mexico.
New York, New York

One Times Square

This historic address is home to the beloved ball and is an almost totally empty building among the most expensive real estate in the world.

Yemrehanna Kristos Church

An ancient Ethiopian cave church is endangered by the simple building of a road.
Lorette, Manitoba

Longitudinal Centre of Canada

This strangely specific landmark will let travelers know when they are half way there.
Rugby, North Dakota

The Geographical Center of North America

A monument to the center of the North American continent may be off by a few miles.