RSB's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Arcadia, California

Arboretum & Botanical Gardens

Arcadia is home to a haven for nature geeks and 80s TV lovers alike.
Hopewell TWP, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Coin Operated Gaming Hall of Fame and Museum

10,500 square feet of pinball housed in former dollar store and home to the last playable "Thunderball."
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bayernhof Music Museum

This eccentric mansion museum holds a impressive collection of rare and automatic instruments.
Carnegie, Pennsylvania

Professional and Amateur Pinball Association World Headquarters

permanently closed
Where the "World Pinball Champion” is crowned.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Shark Tombstone

Within this beautiful Pittsburgh cemetery, a unique headstone bears witness to one man's eternal love for Jaws.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

St. Anthony's Chapel

This church in Pittsburgh is home to the largest collection of religious relics in North America.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Center for PostNatural History

Mutant vegetables, transgenic mosquitos, and atomic rodents span the walls of this one-of-a-kind museum.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rodef Shalom Biblical Botanical Garden

This Old Testament garden features 100 plants from biblical times.
South Park Township, Pennsylvania

Oliver Miller Homestead

A preserved 18th century homestead in Western Pennsylvania marks the spot where the Whiskey Rebellion began.