sarahakh's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Denver, Colorado

The Miller Building

This was once the home of Gahan's Saloon, Denver's most storied speakeasy.
Monte Vista, Colorado

Movie Manor

Possibly the world's only drive-in movie theater with an attached motel.
Bailey, Colorado

Coney Island Hot Dog Stand

This hot dog-shaped diner has moved all around Colorado, but has never been to New York.
Cañon City, Colorado

Skyline Drive

This razorback ridgeline has doubled as a scenic drive since the early 1900s.
Morrison, Colorado

Tiny Town and Railroad

Travel through the wholesome amusements of yesteryear at this charming miniature village.
Golden, Colorado

The Sculptured House

This iconic science fiction house still looks like something from the future.
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Manitou Springs Penny Arcade

While most of the games in this arcade take quarters, that would have been a small fortune when they were made.
Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Denver, Colorado

Cheesman Park

A downtown park built on top of unclaimed graves.
Buena Vista, Colorado

Mount Elbert

At the tallest peak in Colorado, an electrifying mix of thin air, lightning, and rivalry.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Center, Colorado

UFO Watchtower

One woman's UFO-themed campground, complete with self-built energy vortexes, UFO-themed weddings, and magic bushes.
Evergreen, Colorado

Mount Blue Sky Scenic Byway

The highest paved road in North America winds its way up Mount Blue Sky in Colorado to an altitude of 14,130 feet above sea level.
Boulder, Colorado

Boulder Teahouse

This tea house was a hand-built gift from Boulder's sister city in Tajikstan.
Denver, Colorado

Buckhorn Exchange

Wall to wall taxidermy at Denver's oldest and most exotic steakhouse.
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Manitou Cliff Dwellings

These faux-cliff dwellings allow visitors to climb around on a replica archaeological site.
Alamosa, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

When ecosystems collide in the arid Southwest.
Cañon City, Colorado

Royal Gorge Bridge

The highest bridge in America was built for an almost unnervingly small amount of money.
Fort Collins, Colorado

Swetsville Zoo

permanently closed
This "zoo" is a cross between a junkyard and a sculpture garden, featuring animals you won't see anywhere else.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
Lakewood, Colorado

Casa Bonita

At this Denver landmark, the meals are compulsory, the sopapillas are complimentary, and the insanity is everywhere.
Rye, Colorado

Bishop Castle

The largest self-built castle in the U.S., six decades in the making.
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mesa Verde National Park

The ancient dwellings of the Puebloans, located in the cliffs of majestic mesas.
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."