Senatorforlife's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Flåm, Norway
Places added to Nashville, Tennessee
Savannah, Georgia

Pin Point Heritage Museum

A unique museum dedicated to the Gullah-Geechee people, housed within an old oyster cannery.
Savannah, Georgia

Savannah Powder Magazine

An abandoned munitions storage facility with a rich architectural history.
Savannah, Georgia

Savannah Ogeechee Canal

A historic canal winds through a unique, swampy landscape.
Thunderbolt, Georgia

Charles F. Mills Grave Bell

A 19th-century cemetery device to ensure that the prematurely buried would be "saved by the bell."
Savannah, Georgia

A Century of Hats

permanently closed
Tucked away inside a historic Savannah hotel is a hundred-year history presented in ladies' lids.
Savannah, Georgia

The Pirates' House

This kitschy tavern is also home to rare early editions of "Treasure Island."
Savannah, Georgia

Rousakis Plaza Echo Square

"X" marks the spot of an echo chamber in the middle of a plaza.
Savannah, Georgia

Abe's on Lincoln

This bar hosts an ever-evolving napkin art installation devoted to an American president.
Savannah, Georgia

Plant Riverside

A once-groundbreaking power plant turned into a hotel and mini-museum of archeological and geological wonders.
Savannah, Georgia

The Paris Market

This quirky curiosity shop takes its cues from the world's bazaars.
Humboldt, Kansas

Humboldt Raid Civil War Monuments

Twelve unique carved plaques across Humboldt tell a story of the ingenuity and bravery of ordinary citizens during the city's burning.
New Bedford, Massachusetts

The Oozing Whale Skeleton of New Bedford

For 20 years, this whale skeleton has been slowly dripping oil on the floor of the museum where it hangs.
Seattle, Washington


Eat your way from Ghana to Myanmar on this globe-trotting menu.
DeKalb, Illinois

The Egyptian Theatre

This architectural stunner is one of the few surviving Egyptian Revival theaters in the U.S.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Wizard Quest

A theme park attraction designed to turn your children into LARPers.
Madison, Wisconsin

Royal Thai Pavilion

Prayers and messages of hope decorate the ceramic tiles of this pavilion.
Washington, D.C.

Reading Room at the Folger Shakespeare Library

Home to a vast and influential collection of Shakespeareana.
Washington, D.C.

The Dupont Underground

Long-abandoned trolley tunnels just a mile away from the White House are turning into an art space.
Washington, D.C.

House of the Temple

This imposing Masonic temple a mile from the White House was the first public library in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.

Benjamin Grenup Monument

This grisly headstone doesn’t seem to be resting in peace.
Washington, D.C.

Tivoli's Astounding Magic Supply

The district's only illusionarium supports free writing programs for local students with every purchase.
Washington, D.C.

National Academy of Sciences

For 60 years, the academy had no permanent location until members voted Washington D.C. as its forever home.
Washington, D.C.

Ruins of the Columbian Cannon Foundry

These recently uncovered walls are all that's left of Washington, D.C's first defense contractor.
Washington, D.C.

Maine Avenue Fish Market

The oldest continuously operating fish market in the United States.