Wonder Voyage's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wonder Voyage's activity rankings
Places visited in Galway, Ireland
Places added to Clearwater, Florida
Places edited in Keystone, South Dakota
Places visited in Kilkenny, Ireland
Places visited in Matera, Italy
Places visited in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Places visited in Grapevine, Texas
Places visited in County Donegal, Ireland
Places visited in Dijon, France
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Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland

Eilean Donan

The most iconic structure in Scotland has been home to bishops, colonels, and Sean Connery characters.

Mara River Crossing

Life and death are on parade at the most reliably perilous site of “the Great Migration.”

The Rock of Kamegeri

After suggesting criminals be burned to death on this rock, a king's advisor suffered his own punishment.
South Sikkim, India

Tashiding Monastery

Miraculous vase predicts the future at this Tibetan Buddhist site in the Himalayas.
New Delhi, India

Iron Pillar of Delhi

An ancient iron pillar in Delhi that seems to be rustproof.
New Delhi, India

Bahá'í Lotus Temple

A blooming house of worship for the masses.
Fatehpur Sikri, India

Fatehpur Sikri

An imperial fortress city that incorporated cultural elements from the entire Mughal empire, only to be abandoned the year it was finished.
Bhangarh, India

Bhangarh Fort

This abandoned fort is said to be the most haunted place in India, so much so that entry is prohibited after sunset.
Gopalpur, India

Gopalpur Lighthouse

No cyclone yet has been able to topple this rugged Indian lighthouse.
Nuremberg, Germany


Nestled on the banks of a river in Nuremberg is a small museum that was once home of the city's official executioner.
Schwangau, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle

The fairy tale castle of the "fairy-tale king."
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberg Studentenkarzer

A preserved college lock-up that recalls a clubhouse approach to discipline.
Völklingen, Germany

Volklinger Ironworks

A former ironworks that was the first UNESCO industrial site.
Lichtenstein, Germany

Lichtenstein Castle

A striking 12th-century-style castle built on the edge of a cliff.
Dijon, France

The Magic Owl of Dijon

For over 300 years this little carving has been the city’s good luck charm.
Cluny, France

Abbaye de Cluny (Cluny Abbey)

One of the most powerful religious centers in the Middle Ages, dubbed the founder of Western monasticism.
Lyon, France

Astronomical Clock of Lyon

For hundreds of years, automatons moving to metallic music have been marking the passage of time.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France

Pont de Gau Ornithological Park

Thousands of flamingos and other bird species flourish in these Camargue wetlands.
Hunedoara, Romania

Corvin Castle

This fairy-tale castle would make Dracula (who is said to have been imprisoned there) jealous.
Densuș, Romania

Densuș Church

One of the oldest churches in Romania is believed to have been built on the site of a pagan temple.
Moscow, Russia

Padlock Tree Park

Dozens of padlock-trees along the Moscow River.
Hana, Hawaii

Charles Lindbergh Grave Site

The famous aviator's final resting place is a study in natural beauty.