solarsandy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Datong, China
Places visited in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Vilnius, Lithuania

Female Pedestrian Lights

These traffic lights celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the women's suffrage movement in Lithuania.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Banknote Building

Described as one of the Baltic region’s most daring and original construction projects.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Devils' Museum

Ever-growing collection of devils in art.
Palermo, Italy

Capuchin Monastery Catacombs

Thousands of well-dressed mummies below a monastery.
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Spoonbridge and Cherry

A toweringly silly piece of modern art has been delighting locals since the 1980s.
Morgantown, West Virginia

Don Knotts Statue

The actor best known for slapstick comedy is memorialized in his home town.
Atlanta, Georgia

Alpaca Treehouse

This wondrous hideaway is suspended in a bamboo forest above a sanctuary for rescued llamas and alpacas.
Cartersville, Georgia

The Cartersville Abandoned Plane

permanently closed
This mysterious twin turboprop Grumman G-159 covered in graffiti has spent a decade and a half abandoned.
Hermosa, South Dakota

Spokane Ghost Town

permanently closed
Despite repeated attempts to make it work, this former mining town is now nothing but dust and memories.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Thunderhead Underground Falls

permanently closed
A waterfall 600 ft. inside a mountain, once the bane of gold miners, is now a spectacle of nature.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Sioux Falls Michelangelos

One devoted couple has donated multiple recreations of Michelangelo's sculptures to this South Dakota town.
Lemmon, South Dakota

Kokomo Gallery

This sculpture gallery is home to magnificent beasts made of scrap metal and found objects.
Ardmore, South Dakota

Ardmore Ghost Town

Abandoned businesses, homes, and rusted cars are all that remains of this stopover town.
Vermillion, South Dakota

National Music Museum

One of the world's most definitive collections of musical instruments, spanning all cultures and historical periods.
Spearfish, South Dakota

Termesphere Gallery

This geodesic gallery holds a collection of painted spheres that make traditional canvases look lazy by comparison.
Belle Fourche, South Dakota

Center of the Nation Monument

Yes, this monument is aware that it is about 20 miles away from the actual center of the United States.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Buffalo Ridge 1880 Cowboy Town

This Wild West attraction is alive with glitching automatons.
Murdo, South Dakota

Okaton Ghost Town

The deserted railroad town had a last gasp as a ghost town attraction before being abandoned for good.
Keystone, South Dakota

Black Elk Peak

The highest point in South Dakota contains the ashes of Valentine McGillycuudy, the "Holy White Man."
Garretson, South Dakota

Devil's Gulch

The ravine where Jesse James supposedly performed an impossible jump to evade capture.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Depression Era Dinosaur Park

One of America's first dinosaur parks gives a window into Depression-era paleontology.
Montrose, South Dakota

Porter Sculpture Park

A roadside collection of over-sized iron creations that are a bit more macabre than most.
Keystone, South Dakota

Hall of Records in Mount Rushmore

Hidden behind Lincoln's head is a 70-foot-long chamber containing enamel plates documenting American history, sealed in a teakwood box in a titanium vault.