Curious Crow's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Curious Crow's activity rankings
Places visited in Leavenworth, Washington
Places edited in Twisp, Washington
Places visited in Renton, Washington
Places edited in Mitchell, Oregon
Places edited in Bridgeport, California
Places edited in Anaconda, Montana
Places visited in Bridgeport, California
Places edited in Cripple Creek, Colorado
Leeds, Utah

Silver Reef

A mining camp built around an unexpected occurrence of silver.
Juntura, Oregon

Juntura Hot Springs

In eastern Oregon, two mineral hot springs sit along the Malheur River in a fairly desolate area where peace and quiet are abound.
Bridgeport, California

Chemung Mine

An abandoned early 20th-century gold mine in a spectacular setting overlooking Bridgeport Valley and the Sierra Nevada.
Florence Hill, Nevada

Florence Mine

Exhibiting the tallest structure of its type in Nevada, this massive mining complex is frozen in time.
Dayton, Nevada

Sutro Tunnel

This colossal underground passage paved the way for large-scale drainage and access tunnels across the U.S., but it almost wasn’t built.
Frisco, Utah

Frisco Ghost Town

Only ruined buildings and abandoned charcoal kilns remain of this once bustling Wild West boom town.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Haul Road (Dalton Highway)

This gravelly, dangerous highway is the only road in the United States that leads to the Arctic Ocean.
Winthrop, Washington

Barron Ghost Town

Hundreds of hopeful gold miners came here to get rich, but only two years later the small town was deserted.
Hope, British Columbia

Othello Tunnels

Railways may have forged this quintet of lovely tunnels, but now they are open to hikers.
Cripple Creek, Colorado

Vindicator Valley Trail

This Colorado hiking trail provides a small gold mine of abandoned gold mines.
Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska


The king of U.S. high points towers over every other peak on the continent.
Calhan, Colorado

Paint Mines Interpretive Park

Wondrous sandstone hoodoos where Native Americans collected clay for pottery, 9,000 years ago.
Tonopah, Nevada

Old Tonopah Cemetery

There's nothing creepier than a cemetery next to a clown motel.
Mitchell, Oregon

Painted Hills

Oregon's unexpected high desert, displaying layers of time in a colorful show.
Beatty, Nevada

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Odd outsider art installations surround a Gold Rush-era ghost town.
Austin, Nevada

Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park

Only intact Ichthyosaur skeleton in the United States and an abandoned gold mine and ghost town all in one place!
Marble Canyon, Arizona

The Wave

Rippling sand dunes frozen in the Arizona rock.
Anaconda, Montana

Anaconda Smelter Stack

A smoke stack so large, the Washington Monument could fit inside!