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Ghent, Belgium


This narrow Ghent alleyway is an officially sanctioned street art tunnel.
Bastogne, Belgium

McAuliffe Memorial and Sherman Tank

Dedicated to the American general whose reply to a German demand for surrender was simply "Nuts!"
Leuven, Belgium

Paep Thoon

Banished from town, this local jester concocted a clever return.

Vennbahn Cycleway

Walk or bike along a narrow strip of Belgium sandwiched by German territory.
Antwerp, Belgium

The Whisperer

This interactive sculpture allows visitors to leave a message in case a friend passes by.
Ypres, Belgium

In Flanders Fields Museum

This memorial museum chronicles the apocalyptic destruction of the First World War.
Raeren, Belgium

Museum of Carrots

This small window display is dedicated to the noble carrot.
Ghent, Belgium

The Flashing Streetlights of Ai Nati Oggi

Each time a baby is born in Ghent, these streetlights flash in silent celebration.
Antwerp, Belgium

Cafe Beveren

This small corner bar is home to a rare 1930s dance organ that still plays tunes for one Euro.
Genappe, Belgium

Abbaye de Villers

A magical and peaceful ruined Cistercian abbey in what is now southern Belgium.
Ghent, Belgium


This fairytale castle was built as a show of power but was nearly torn down thanks to its history of torture.
Dinant, Belgium

The Charles de Gaulle Saxophone Bridge

A whimsical bridge uses saxophones to pay tribute to two great men and the European Union.
Leuven, Belgium


This statue of a studious young woman stands at the site of Leuven's first college to accept female students.
Leuven, Belgium

De Kangxi-Verbiest Hemelglobe (Kangxi-Verbiest Star Globe)

A replica of a 17th-century map of the stars stands in the courtyard of a Belgian university.
Brussels, Belgium

The Atomium

Climb inside an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times its normal size.
Lille, France

Vieille Bourse Book Market

Tables of secondhand books fill the inner courtyard of this 17th-century stock exchange.
Leffrinckoucke, France

Leffrinckoucke Bunkers

These crumbling Nazi artillery bunkers are now fair game for massive graffiti projects.
Vleteren, Belgium


Stocking up on the world's best beer requires a pilgrimage to a monastery drive-through.
Boom, Belgium

Trolls of De Schorre Park

Take a leisurely walk through the park to find the seven giant troll sculptures hidden throughout the park.
Beveren, Belgium

The Doomed City of Doel

This ghost town in Belgium will lose its street art when it ceases to exist.
Antwerp, Belgium

Lange Wapper Statue

This legendary giant, born from vegetables, terrorized townspeople and cheated local children in games.
Halle, Belgium

The Blue Forest

Each spring, a dreamlike carpet of bluebells overtakes the forest floor.
Waimes, Belgium

Signal de Botrange

The highest point in Belgium is a staircase to nowhere.
Antwerp, Belgium

Hand of Druon Antigoon

The legendary giant's severed hand sits on Antwerp's popular shopping street.