markallender's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kent, Ohio
Places added to Akron, Ohio
Places edited in Marion, Ohio
Places added to Ohio
Places edited in Akron, Ohio
Places edited in Canton, Ohio
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Akron, Ohio

Goodyear Airdock

This massive airship factory is so large that it has its own indoor weather.
Cleveland, Ohio

Grave of Alan Freed

A jukebox headstone marks the grave of the Cleveland disc jockey credited with coining the term “rock 'n' roll."
Cleveland, Ohio

Wade Memorial Chapel

Inside the unassuming cemetery chapel is a magnificent stained glass window and mosaics.
Cleveland, Ohio

Sidaway Bridge

The ruins of the suspension bridge hang over Kingsbury Run as a ghost of racial prejudice.
Cleveland, Ohio

GE Chandelier

A dazzling display of lights and crystals.
Cleveland, Ohio

Church of the Holy Parking Structure

On the upper deck of this church-owned parking garage stand eight pillars topped with different Catholic saints.
Kent, Ohio

Kent State May 4 Visitors Center

This campus museum commemorates a national tragedy.
Cleveland, Ohio

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

The only depiction of Abraham Lincoln holding a weapon, and the names of all 9,000 Cuyahoga veterans of the Civil War.
Cleveland, Ohio

The Cleveland Arcade

Funded by John D. Rockefeller, this is one of the earliest, and most beautiful, shopping arcades in America.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Trust Rotunda Building

Marvel at this turn-of-the-century masterpiece that has been turned into a rather stately supermarket.
Canton, Ohio

McKinley Presidential Library & Museum

Mausoleums, astronomy, and animatronic dinosaurs at this memorial to an assassinated American president.
Leavittsburg, Ohio

Center of the World, Ohio

A grandiose title could not save this mercantile community from obscurity.
Windsor, Ohio

Servants of Mary Center for Peace

The world's largest Our Lady of Guadalupe statue overlooks this Ohio sanctuary.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cuyahoga Jack-Knife Bridge #464

An abandoned, rusty old relic of railroad history stands at attention over the Cuyahoga River.
Cleveland, Ohio

West Side Market

This spectacular public market has got meat, fish, vegetables, baked goods, and enough kielbasa for a lifetime.
Cleveland, Ohio

A Christmas Story House and Museum

The home made famous by the 1983 holiday classic is now a perfectly preserved shrine to the movie.
Cleveland, Ohio

'Land of the Warres'

On a wall in Cleveland, Ohio find the story of a highly connected fictional community of organisms that created remarkable, lasting structures.
Peninsula, Ohio

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad

A throwback train ride transports passengers through one of the lesser-known national parks in the country.
Cleveland, Ohio

Memorial to Tamir Rice

This garden memorial marks the site where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was fatally shot by the Cleveland Police Department.
Renton, Washington

Jimi Hendrix Memorial

The final resting place of one of the most sensational guitar players of all time was created only after his father got the rights to his music.
Masada, Israel


This daunting 1st century fortress was purportedly the site of one of the most dramatic revolts of the Jewish-Roman wars.

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach

This black shoreline is made up of exploded lava particles.
Akron, Ohio

John Brown Monument

A moving tribute to a leader of the American abolitionist movement.
Akron, Ohio

Site of Sojourner Truth's 'Ain't I a Woman' Speech

But did the famous feminist and abolitionist ever really say those iconic four words?