WolfmanTheExplorer's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tulelake, California
San Diego, California

1895 Looff Carousel

One of the few remaining carousels built by master amusement park carver Charles I.D. Looff.
San Diego, California

Unconditional Surrender

A sculpture of the famous photograph stands on San Diego's "Greatest Generation Walk."
San Diego, California

The Map of the Grand Canyons of La Jolla Shores

A mosaic map made of over 100,000 tiles depicts the geological features and sea creatures that live along this San Diego beachside community.
San Diego, California

Yiddishland California

The Yiddish language stages a renaissance in a shtetl-inspired cultural center on the San Diego coast.
San Diego, California

Villa Montezuma

A magnificent, reportedly haunted mansion built for a composer by Spiritualists.
Silverton, Colorado

Christ of the Mines Shrine

This alpine statue of Jesus in Silverton is said to protect both miners and local economies.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Roden Crater

The artist James Turrell is repurposing an extinct volcano crater as an observatory to experience the cosmos.
Leupp, Arizona

Grand Falls

Witnessing the might of this dessert-colored desert waterfall is a rare, powerful treat.
Greensburg, Kansas

The Big Well

The United States's largest hand-dug well is topped with a state-of-the-art museum.
Reno, Nevada

Pyramid Lake

This Nevada lake holds its titular natural pyramid and, if the legends are true, a number of dangerous spirits.
Kings Beach, California

Martis Peak Lookout

An early 20th-century fire lookout, still in intermittent use, preserves legacy fire-locating equipment.
Yerington, Nevada

Wovoka Wilderness

Thousands of acres of beautiful wild landscape in the Great Basin.
June Lake, California

Obsidian Dome

A natural dome made of volcanic glass in Inyo National Forest.
Dyer, Nevada

Boundary Peak

The highest point in Nevada had to be decided by court order after California tried to claim it as their own.
Swall Meadows, California

White Mountain Peak

A small research station sits at the summit of this mountain, which is one of the few U.S. peaks higher than 14,000 feet outside of the Sierra Nevada.
Chatsworth, California

LA-88 Nike Missile Site

Abandoned anti-ballistic missile base.
Encinitas, California

Surfing Madonna

What began as an illegal art installation has become a symbol for unity, ocean awareness, and coastline preservation.
San Diego, California

Sunny Jim Cave Store

Behind this beachfront shop lies a spectacular, colorful sea cave with an equally colorful past.
Sedalia, Colorado

Devil’s Head Lookout Tower

This Colorado fire station has been in continuous operation for more than a century.
Commerce City, Colorado

National Eagle Repository

Happen to come across a dead eagle? Send it to America's official dead eagle warehouse.
Commerce City, Colorado

National Wildlife Property Repository

Over 1.3 million confiscated wildlife products fill this macabre menagerie of illegal animal specimens.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Grand Prismatic Spring

The largest hot spring in the United States is, as the name suggests, a stunning show of natural color.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Old Faithful Geyser

One of nature's most well-scheduled phenomenons resides in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

The Crow's Nest at the Old Faithful Inn

An architect's childhood fantasy treehouse made real.