Wonder Voyage's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wonder Voyage's activity rankings
Places visited in Galway, Ireland
Places added to Clearwater, Florida
Places edited in Keystone, South Dakota
Places visited in Kilkenny, Ireland
Places visited in Matera, Italy
Places visited in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Places visited in Grapevine, Texas
Places visited in County Donegal, Ireland
Places visited in Dijon, France
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Devils Tower, Wyoming

Devils Tower

The first declared National Monument in the United States.
Louth, Ireland

Proleek Dolmen

A mysterious Neolithic tomb is perched along the edge of a modern golf course.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Hidden South Confessional

Inside this art and oddity-filled shop, a small room filled with secrets.
Marfa, Texas

Stardust Motel Sign

This old abandoned sign flickers to announce a motel that isn't even there.
Terlingua, Texas

Lajitas Ghost Town

Ghost town with a beer-drinking goat for mayor.
Keflavík, Iceland

‘Silver Sabler’

A relatively obscure antihero from the Marvel Comics universe adorns a wall inside Iceland's main airport.
Casablanca, Morocco

'Tire Lion'

The rubbery beast is sculpted from recycled materials.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Bywater Museum of Unnatural History

Professional and amateur dioramas, taxidermy, and oddities all located in an attic above a gallery.
New Orleans, Louisiana


Storyville was New Orleans' historic red light district and hotbed of jazz music, sometimes referred to simply as "The District."
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Singing Oak

This New Orleans tree is filled with hidden chimes that produce a carefully tuned melody.
Clearwater, Florida

Frank Miranda's Oddities & Antiques

An abandoned Victorian house transformed into a museum and store filled with taxidermy and vintage goods.
Rome, Italy

Ludus Magnus

The ruins of the largest gladiatorial school in Rome are largely hidden under modern streets.
Rome, Italy

Lacus Curtius

A mysterious chasm in the heart of the ancient Roman Forum, the Lacus Curtius was once believed to be a gateway to hell.
Naples, Italy

Naples Underground

A labyrinth of ancient tunnels hidden below the city holds the ruins of 2,500 years of history.
Naples, Italy

Funicolare Centrale

In a city that boasts four separate inclined cable railways, this is one of the busiest funicular lines in the world.
Santa Venere, Italy

Temple of Hera II

Also known as the Temple of Poseidon, this is one of the best-preserved Greek temples in the world.
Muraglione, Italy

Pertosa Caves

Ride a boat through this magnificent underground world, which now doubles as a theater.
Matera, Italy

Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (Center for Space Geodesy)

One of the few places of its kind, this space research center sits deep in the countryside of Matera.
Gravina in Puglia, Italy

Ponte Acquedotto

An impressive bridge over a ravine also served as an aqueduct.
Matera, Italy

Sassi di Matera

People have been living in the cave houses on this Italian hillside since the Neolithic era.
Matera, Italy

Chiesa del Purgatorio

Skulls and skeletons are omnipresent in this church dedicated to souls trapped in purgatory.
Matera, Italy

La Palomba

An abandoned quarry hides an open-air gallery of huge sculptures, some made from the rubble of 9/11.
Lecce, Italy

Museo Faggiano

One man's quest to fix his toilet unearthed over 5,000 artifacts spanning more than 2,000 years of history.